Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hazard Pay

Bad news/good news scenario: I had to watch "Burlesque," but got paid to do it. Christina Aguilera has some killer pipes, but no screen presence -- she's about as good an "actress" as Jessica Alba. The story was a sack of familiar tropes, but at least there were no day-job welding scenes. Stanley Tucci's playing the same sidekick he was in "The Devil Wears Prada," and having Alan Cumming wasted in a cameo only makes me wish I was watching "Cabaret" instead. Cher's embalmer did a heck of a job, though.


  1. My brother and his partner are total Cher devotees, but they echo your sentiments. I still want to see it, but I can wait until it hits cable.

  2. i was thoroughly entertained. i think your review is fair, but Cher can still act. the production numbers/editing/mix of new and old style music were great. the story had heart. it wasn't trying to push any envelopes. the protagonist also helps the club, win's over her boss, gets the guy while learning a valuable lesson, and proves her talent. nothing wrong with that.
