Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Sundance Channel

If it was up to me, more than raindrops would be falling on the head of whichever dumbass in your marketing department thinks it's okay to paste ads into the frames of the movies you air.

Right now I'm watching Eraserhead, with a full sixteenth of the frame obstructed with three lines of copy for some crap excuse of a show called "Girls Who Like Boys/Who Like Boys"/All New Tuesday 10p.

First, David Lynch is considered a true cinematic artist and his feature debut, Eraserhead, is wondrously strange and nearly devoid of dialogue (though never silent, for the world of Lynch is an aural trip as much as it is a visual one). That the gorgeous black & white compositions in Lynch's film must give up any of the frame at all is unbelievable on a channel that pretends to promote the excellence of filmmaking.

Second, not for a New York minute will there by anything "new" on a show with that title. That shit has being going on since time immemorial (or at least as long as Judy & Liza have been around, which is basically the same thing).

You're the Sundance Channel. You should not be participating in this blight form of advertising when you run feature films. You're getting your nut covered by Chase Sapphire, after all. How's about you just put your kneepads on and air films without interruption ... or obstruction.

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